Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD) is a condition where your eyes are misaligned, sending two different images to the brain. This misalignment can cause symptoms like headaches, dizziness, anxiety, motion sickness, and chronic neck pain.


Symptoms of BVD


Physical Findings

Neck pain, clumsiness, head tilt.

Reading Challenges

Difficulty focusing, fatigue.

Driving Symptoms

Anxiety, car sickness, night glare.


Other symptoms

  • Neurological Symptoms: Migraines, vertigo, seizures.

  • Anxiety Symptoms: Panic attacks, agoraphobia.

  • Binocular Vision Symptoms: Double vision, poor depth perception, hand-eye coordination issues.


Causes of BVD

BVD can be caused by facial asymmetry, concussions, or head injuries. It may also be genetically inherited or triggered by conditions like stroke, Lyme disease, or COVID-19.

Misdiagnosis of BVD

BVD symptoms are often mistaken for conditions like anxiety disorders, ADHD, migraines, sinus problems, and more. Proper diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment.


The NeuroVisual® Exam

Our comprehensive NeuroVisual® Exam goes beyond standard eye tests to diagnose BVD. It includes assessments of eye movement, focusing, posture, balance, and more. Even with 20/20 vision, BVD can be present and impact your life.


Prism Glasses for BVD

Prism lenses align the images sent to your brain, reducing eye muscle strain and relieving symptoms. These lenses are custom-fit and may require adjustments over time.


What Patients Say

Patients report significant improvements in symptoms and quality of life after using prism glasses. Check out their testimonials and success stories.

Wendy's Path to Migraine Relief

Robert 'Gets Back in the Game' after Car Accident

Noah's Handwriting, Hand-eye Coordination, and Confidence

“I’m not tired when I read now. School is not as hard, and I have more fun. My glasses make everything better.” - Justin

“I was about to be put into a special education class because I was having so many learning problems. That was ten years ago. These lenses changed everything, really! The headaches disappeared. Reading was so much easier, and I could figure out my homework.” - Kali

“I was riding my motorcycle and was hit from behind. The years that followed were filled with excruciating pain. I couldn’t cut the grass, cook, or do much of anything. Then, one of my therapists referred me to a BVD specialist. When I put on the trial lenses, the pain instantly left. This is the real deal.” - Roy



  • Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, and balance issues.

  • With custom-fit microprism lenses.

  • Yes, it can cause dizziness and depth perception issues.

  • Through a specialized NeuroVisual® Evaluation.

  • People of all ages, including those with traumatic brain injuries.



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Think you might have BVD?

Get relief now with our free BVD self-test.